Smita Choudhary


 Aloe Vera


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In every age men have set out on spiritual journeys on personal quests.

Driven by pain , drawn by longing, lifted by hope, singly and in groups they come in search of relief, enlightenment, peace, power, joy, or they know not what.

Wishing to learn, and confusing being taught with learning, they often seek out helpers, healers, and guides, spiritual teachers whose disciples they would become.

A grown up man can be no man's disciple.

No meaning that comes from outside of ourselves is real.

The budhhahood of each of us has already been obtained.  

We need only recognize it.

Sheldon Kopp

If you meet the Buddha on the road kill him.


My Journey

I graduated as an engineer and did my Post Graduation in Sociology

My work experience has been also as diverse as my education

I have worked with the best of multinationals in the corporate sector as well as with NGOs , international and grass-root level.

Uniformly they have been complete experiences

Every assignment has had it’s own rewards.

For details of my work refer my site


I have had worked at two levels. One is a bread earner and the other is with a desire to contribute to an improvement around me. It has been demanding on people around me. But then, I am willing to give all of myself, as long as and as much as I am able to. 


I am inspired by my family. At all times, every one has contributed something special.

They power the roller coaster of my life and are the safety belts at the same time.


I understand that a sense of self preservation is instinctive, but often wish it were not.